Sunday, February 12, 2012

And the Award Goes To... Food!

With awards season in full swing, I have been reflecting on what things in my life deserve honorary mention. On the top of that list, my golden envelope declares - food. After having spent this last weekend in an all day workshop with Chicago Tribune writer Kevin Pang (@kevinthepang) discussing food for 8 hours, I haven't stopped drooling and spent the weekend in a constant state of hunger. Thank you for being a Pang in my ass. We also discussed the power that food has in each of our own lives and its ability to connect us to each other.

Why, you ask? Does food hold us captive to its powering enticings and lures? The sensual flavors exploding in your mouth, intoxicating aromas taking you hostage, archaic urges of manhandling your prey and biting into it, the combustible pop of sound coming off a sizzling platter and the pull of visual enticement steaming off the plate into your stomach. I admit it. I'm having a glorious love affair with food.

It's ability to bring a group of people together from all backgrounds, stories, and experiences is one of my favorite characteristics of food. In a world where we are living in a contant state of speed and change, food is one element of our lives where we can take our time, enjoy, and bring up back to a sense of stability, reassurance, and grounding. In food is where I find my own grounding, my sense of self and one of the very few constants in my life. So thank you for being there, for showing me how to love and appreciate life. Bon Apetite!

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